Fondacioni Arte


Performing Arts

Arti i Kujtesës

ALB  |  ENG “Arti i Kujtesës: Refleksion mbi Gratë në Totalitarizëm” Në vitin 2023, me mbështetjen e AMSHC dhe Bashkisë Tiranë, kemi implementuar projektin “Arti i Kujtesës: Refleksion mbi Gratë në Totalitarizëm”. Ky projekt u mbajt me synimin që të nxisë kulturën e kujtesës historike dhe të promovojë standartet demokratike nëpërmjet artit, dhe më konkretisht …

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Ndërmendje – 2017

Ndërmendje – 2017 In 2017, the ARTE Foundation won the competition for organizing the concert Gala “Ndërmendje” in Shkodër.  This activity, in our view, has presented some particularities, which were the cornerstones of our project proposal in terms of increasing the professional standard and ensuring partnership with important institutions in the country in order to …

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Ndërmendje – 2018 In 2018, for the second time, the ARTE Foundation wins the right to organize the Gala concert “Ndërmendje” in Shkodër. The activity has brought innovations, compared to that of 2017, in terms of the participating soloists and the presented program. Thus, aiming to promote artists from Shkodra with an international career, the …

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Philharmonix in Tirana

Philharmonix in Tirana Cultural Center, Orthodox Cathedral Complex April 18, 2024, 8:00 p.m Noah Bendix-Balgley / Violin (Concertmaster, Berlin Philharmonic) Sebastian Gürtler / Violin (concertmaster from 1997 to 2008, Vienna Volksoper Orchestra) Thilo Fechner / Viola (Vienna Philharmonic) Stephan Koncz / Cello (Berlin Philharmonic) Ödön Rácz / Double Bass (Solo Double Bassist, Vienna Philharmonic) Daniel …

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